Have A High Employee Turnover In Your Mine? What To Train For

If you have had a large turnover of staff at your mine and you worry about the foreman and managers keeping everything regulated, it's time to update everyone's training. There are a lot of different things that you can do to create a safer work environment for everyone, and to be sure that you are providing the best environment for your employees. Here are the things to schedule for large groups of your employees.

Staff MHSA Safety Training

You want to get as many people trained with the MHSA safety training as possible. This means not just your mining foreman, but also others that are working long hours or are in the mines the most. This way you don't have to worry about scheduling problems having the proper people trained each shift, and you will have more staff that know the regulations and safety practices that need to be followed each shift.

Intruder or Violence Training

The MHSA safety regulations aren't the only things to be trained in. You may want to have a plan in place if someone entered the mine and had a weapon or was threatening. You want to have enough staff that know what to do if there is a gunman, or if there is the threat of a bomb or some type of intrusion. This is a plan that all of the foreman and managers need to have memorized.

Emergency Medical Response

There are emergency medical practices that have to take place if people are injured. Having the entire staff sit in on these first aid and CPR cases is one of the best things that you can do because then everyone is ready to deal with a medical emergency. Whether it is someone choking on food at break, or getting cut open and dealing with a severe wound, they will know how to react when this happens.

You want to make sure that every day when all of your staff is at work, that they are safe and that they know what to do while they are mining, and also if there is any type of emergency. There are a lot of different safety regulations and emergency practices that will save a life if they are followed, and you want to do what you can to make sure everything is safe. Talk with a company like Eagle Mine Safety to learn more so you can provide the best work environment.
